The Blissful Bouquet
There is three options to feature this design a glass vase arranged, a bouquet of flowers gift wrapped with no container, or a low rectangular container that is perfect for a dining table or for hosting.
Sizes for the low rectangle: Classic 20” or Double 25”
Image displayed: Classic Bouquet
There is three options to feature this design a glass vase arranged, a bouquet of flowers gift wrapped with no container, or a low rectangular container that is perfect for a dining table or for hosting.
Sizes for the low rectangle: Classic 20” or Double 25”
Image displayed: Classic Bouquet
There is three options to feature this design a glass vase arranged, a bouquet of flowers gift wrapped with no container, or a low rectangular container that is perfect for a dining table or for hosting.
Sizes for the low rectangle: Classic 20” or Double 25”
Image displayed: Classic Bouquet